5 Shows Not to Miss in January

In the polarity of defiance and expectations-Frida Wannerberger

5 Shows Not to Miss in November 2023

In the fashion of punk-womanhood and the fallacy of machismo - A Review on SF by Sylvie Fleury at Sprueth Magers

5 Shows Not To Miss in October 2023

October…London gets ready for Frieze mayhem extravaganza. 'Frieze Week' is traditionally the moment when London hosts the international art world’s most compelling, must-visit mix of fairs, shows, auctions, dinners, parties, and the list goes on.‍ Meanwhile, galleries also dress up to join the party. For this month, I'll be focusing on the UK-London art scene.

MAXWELL STEVENS - “Last Days of Summer”

"Maxwell Stevens: A Contemporary Take on Gestural Abstraction Meets Beach Bliss"